My Three Girls

My Three Girls
Alaina, Melissa and Tamara

Friday, April 22, 2011

Getting back in the Groove!! Figured it might as well start with where I fell out of the groove!!

Well, I have been gone for quite a while. To be truthful I just couldn't seem to find the umph to blog. I kept wanting to but the words just were not there. I know quite a few of you are on Facebook with me, some are not. We have had a lot of ups and downs as a family in my absence, but God always brings us through!!
He took the opportunity to take me through the cleaning up process. He used a lot of things which I could wish never happened - but if they did not then He would have to have found something else just as challenging. Because I had to face the fact that I was not just a little bit stubborn. I was being rebellious and He had had enough. My grand daughter, Mackenzie said it so well the other day. She is four now and she loves for us to sing our prayers on the way to Preschool. Her version went something like this " Thank You God for healing me (she had had an awful cough and ear infection) and Thank You for healing GaGa (what she has named my husband) although You didn't heal GaGa as well as You healed me" - and that is the kicker part of the prayer. We get so good at telling God what He can do and even how He can do it!! Sadly it can be very hard to even recognize that is what you are doing. We call it by other names - HELPING God (control), Not wanting to bother Him (pride), or how about hearing what He is saying but just doing it your own way anyways. Maybe I didn't hear Him right after all! (rebellion) or not wanting to have people look at us especially if we get it wrong. It is easy to let it become all about self and not about Him. I let others attitudes affect me and withdrew more and more from what I loved. Sharing with others, praying with others, blogging - even the little minor things. I loved my time with ya'll. But the more I backed away, the harder it became to come back. Same with the Lord. He never moved - but evidently I did! His voice became fainter and fainter and eventually I hardly heard it at all. It was so faaaaar away. I don't know that I can even explain where He has taken me. I do know it was what needed to happen. In the process He has/is taking care of Generational stuff, He has taken me back to things which I had no idea were even in me. Reasons for attitudes that went back to such simple little things not handled correctly. But some from childhood when you don't even KNOW how to HANDLE something. But our enemy roams about like a lion seeking whom he can devour - and he has no problem with it being our young! The other day I was driving home from dropping Mackenzie off at Preschool and I had a thought from the previous evening. Rick and some of the kids (does college age still count as kids?? LOL) had gone for a walk and it got dark quicker than anticipated. So for safety reasons they called me to pick them up. As we drove home Rick pointed out a spot on the road where they had passed a dead momma opossum and her two babies. They must have gotten hit by a car. Well that momma and her two babies was what I was thinking about. I was wondering if the two babies got hit too or did they just keep clinging to the momma until they did get hit or just died? I was wishing Rick had not pointed her out because as ugly as they are I hated to think of those creatures laying there in the road. That is when the Lord told me that is how we are with things. We will cling to things from the past, things that have no life and bring no life. We will hold on until we die too. A simple message. What dead thing are you holding on to? I am in the process of cleansing our home. Getting rid of things which hold me to the past in negative ways. Some things are spiritual and some are physical. I desire to walk in the freedom that Christ has brought. Well I think I will stop here for now as this has gotten quite long. Have a great evening and I will catch you on the next blog!!

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